Welcome to our dedicated space for navigating fussy eating!
I've teamed up with Judith from The Confident Eater to support children and parents in navigating the challenging terrain of picky eating, while still enjoying pre-planned dinners. We aim to reduce cognitive overload while ensuring healthy meals with various options are on the table. Through our carefully prepared meal plans and Judith's research-based sound advice, we aim to help you turn dinnertime with your fussy eater into a stress-free and relaxed occasion.
Our Fussy Friendly 4-week Meal Plan Bundle is now live. Scroll down to learn more about this exciting collaboration.

Judith brings a raft of experience from the world of children's nutrition and I am so excited to have partnered with her to create a dedicated Fussy Friendly meal plan. You may have seen or heard her on RNZ with Kathryn Ryan, Breakfast, The AM Show, The Project and The Breeze (among others!)
To name just some of Judith's qualifications and experience...
- Graduated MA Cantab (St.John’s College, Cambridge, UK)
- MSc in Psychology with first-class honours (Massey University)
- Internationally qualified Nutritional Therapist
- AOTA accredited Picky Eating Advisor.
- AOTA accreditation’s in ‘How to identify and treat the sensory component of pediatric feeding difficulties’.
- PhD Candidate
- Founder of The Confident Eater
Fussy Friendly Meal Plan
Now available is the Fussy Friendly 4-week Meal Plan Bundle. Designed to take all the thinking out of what to have for dinner whilst offering practical ways to include your child in the family meal, our one-stop downloadable 30-page E-book offers a range of recipes catered specifically to fussy eaters.
Every recipe has been co-created with input and expertise from Judith, Founder of The Confident Eater, and is designed to give you some simple yet delicious meal ideas that your child might be open to...while also being suitable for the whole family to enjoy.
Included in every recipe are ideas and adaptations from Judith for how you can best support your child to enjoy dinner with the whole family. Don't cook two (or even three!) separate meals; our recipes will take all the thinking out of how to incorporate your fussy eater into the family meal.
Use monthly on repeat and enjoy the relief of always having an answer to
the never-ending question: What should we have for dinner?!

Fussy Friendly 4-Week Meal Plan Bundle