try our best-selling signature
Our Seasonal Weekly Plan is great for busy families, those with young children, and anyone on a budget. Offering cost-effective dinners that are child-friendly and easy to make, at just $5 a week, our signature Seasonal Weekly Plan is so popular!
Try out a free week by downloading our 2-person, 4-person or 6-person plans.

Our Pantry Pal will be your best friend in the pantry! Not only does it help you to keep track of what you're running out of, it's also a prompt for other items you may need to buy. Packed full of commonly-bought supermarket items, when you're low on something, tick it off so that you never forget what you need. There's also room for notes and to add your own frequently-purchased grocery items.
Delivered as an A4 PDF direct to your inbox, our Pantry Pal removes the need to keep buying lists to stick on the fridge – buy once then print as many times as you like. We recommend sticking your Pantry Pal to the inside of your pantry door, so that it's always available.
Download the sneak peak here (the bought version won't be blurred, of course!)